Sunday, November 23, 2008

West Baltimore Street - Hippodrome Hatters

Hippodrome Hatters - BaltimoreWhen I was a small child in the 50's, nearly all gentlemen wore hats. President Kennedy, unintentionally but single-handedly, put an end to that. I don't remember ever seeing JFK in a hat, and in the 45 years since his death, I haven't even found a photo of him in one. So since 1961, it's been a rough road for haberdashers.

Flying against these headwinds, Lou A. Boulmetis, owner of the euphoniously-named Hippdrome Hatters, runs a nice business on West Baltimore Street. Mr. Boulmetis' store is an outgrowth of the business his grandfather, Louis, started 78 years ago.

To put it mildly, West Baltimore Street is not the most fashionable part of town, but Mr. Boulmetis's and his store provide a spot of elegance.

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