Saturday, September 6, 2008

Foggy Morning Gamble

Foggy Serenity Woke up, jumped out of bed... and noticed that it was a very foggy morning. The first thing that went through my mind is, "Be careful driving to work!"

But the next thing was, "How about some foggy morning photos?"

Mystery, solitude, serenity... those were the thoughts running through my mind as I envisioned what kind of photos I thought I would take.

So what next? Take foggy photos in my driveway? OK, what's the shooting location?

As I got ready to leave, I decided to go to a spot that I had photographed before - a small community marina on the Severn River . I would be driving within a half-mile of it on the way to work anyway.Upper Severn Pier

Once I got there and started shooting, I became aware that I didn't know the first thing about shooting in the fog. It was amazing to realize that I had never done it before, or if I did, I have no memory of it.

Once again, here's where digital camera really helps me. I could see from the images on the little LCD display that I was getting something like what I had envisioned. Back home this evening, a little mucking around with Levels in Photoshop helped spread out the very limited brightness range of the scene so that I could get decent prints.

>All in all, I think the foggy morning gamble worked - I do see a little mystery, solitude, and serenity in these images.

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